LAUNCESTON RECYCLING PROJECT PROJECT # 1 CLEARS hopes to establish 1 or more public place recycling depots in Launceston ,Tasmania, an area with few recycling opportunities. Funds could be located through the Federal Government's Natural Heritage Trust, Philanthropic Trusts & Foundations, Private Sponsorships, User Fees, or from users taking ownership of the project and forming a cooperative venture. ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS A recycling and green ethos will be developed in the community There will be a reduction in greenhouse gas production as it takes less energy to recycle common food and beverage containers than it takes to mine new materials or produce new containers. There will be less litter, as thought will be given on how to properly dispose of waste material. There will be more landfill space, reducing the need for new sites to be located. PROJECT # 2 KINGSMEADOWS RIVULET REHABILITATION CLEARS is working with the KINGSMEADOWS RIVULET LITTER PREVENTION TASK FORCE TO HELP CLEAN UP THIS BADLY DEGRADED URBAN CREEK. |