Information on HATE CRIMES LEGISLATION just received from America's National Organisation of Women Please feel free to forward the following to activists: * Across the United States, women are targets of hate crimes every day. Hate crimes have a chilling effect on every woman's life. The threat of such crimes instills fear in all women (not just victims and survivors), limiting where they work, live and study. * Violence motivated by a person's sex, sexual orientation, disability, race or religion is a matter of concern; yet many USA states lack comprehensive hate crimes laws. And USA federal law does not cover crimes motivated by bias based upon sex, sexual orientation and disability. * Women charging state and local authorities with failure or refusal to enforce the law, especially restraining orders, reportedly make up the largest number of complaints received by the Office of Violence Against Women at the Justice Department. Additionally, the office has received complaints alleging that some local law enforcement personnel have covered up hate crimes against women. * Many times local law enforcement lack adequate resources to investigate and successfully prosecute criminals. * Expanding the federal hate crimes statute would improve access to federal resources to assist local and state law enforcement officials in better investigating and prosecuting bias related crimes. * Expanding the federal law would also extend coverage to crimes motivated by sex, sexual orientation and disability. Join America's National Organization for Women to and Take Action to End Hate Crimes! Click here to tell representatives in the House and Senate to expand hate crimes protections. Or, send Valentine's Day cards to your representative and senators via snail mail. Click here for their addresses.