To keep all our members informed, we'll create pages like this one for the minutes of our meetings. We'll change the title of each of these pages to reflect the date of the meeting.
We might use a format similar to this one for meeting minutes. JANUARY 19 Meeting Minutes Minutes taken by No formal minutes were taken,but these notes were put together by CLEAN UP LAUNCESTON Agenda Items Item 1
Item 2 Minutes APOLOGIES:ASTRID KETELAAR LAUNCESTON WATERWATCH CO-ORDINATOR GUS GREEN OLYMPIC LANDCARE ATTENDANCE Niall Simpson,(landscape architect)Steve Ratcliffe (project manager)Ross Smith(contract supervisor)Ruth Mollison(newly appointed to Launceston Waterwatch)Terence Seymour (representor) Steve reported on current maintenance regime,there is a mechanical street cleaning 3 times a week,bins are emptied daily,private land not entered,there is a need to involve businesses Could be useful to analyse the litter Terence to conduct a clean up and analyse the material to identify the source of the litter,results could be passed to the Council's litter enforcement officers. Re denser foliage at carpark level Ross to look at more appropriate species sap and gum nuts falling rules out the gums wattles and blackwoods okay Ian Abernathy(not present) is already talking to Di Porteous (Kings Meadows Traders) Ruth to contact Traders and John Gelston re recycling station following on from Niall's suggestion that there be mobile bins for recyclables in the carpark(s) Terence agreed to decontaminate the recycling bins if required Contact Details were exchanged and the next meeting as part of the February meeting of Launceston Waterwatch.