Computer Operations Try not to open too many programs while working on your computer. The more things that are open, the slower your system will run. Increase your computer comfort today by making your mouse left-handed ! With most Windows versions, go to the Windows start menu (bottom left of your screen)and choose Settings -- Control Panel -- Mouse. In the Mouse Properties dialog box, click the Buttons tab. Under Button Assignment, select Right-Click for the left button, and select Click for the right button. THE INTERNET From Business 2.0 "Almost 85 percent of the more than 4 billion Webpages are based in the United States." and "Within two years,server farms across the United States will occupy as much as 25 million square feet--equivalent to 125 10-storey office buildings."
INSANE STATS Stopping Wild Popups in Internet Explorer Something called "Active Scripting" is at work here. You can disable it by following these steps: On the menu line of Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options, Security ta Custom Level button. Scroll down to the Scripting section, and click the radio button labeled "Disable". This disables Active Scripting, and the popup If you need to, you can always enable Active Scripting, or select the option to "Prompt". If you select that, you'll see a question asking your permission to open additional windows
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Printers When you purchase a new printer, remember to add it to the list of printers for your computer. This will allow you to print on your new printer. Origins of The Internet Genuity have created an informative, easy to understand timeline tracing the 'net's growth from the 1950's all the way up to the 1990's:
Timeline |
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Maintenance Issues Keep your laptop out of extreme hot and cold temperatures, which could affect the performance of the PC. IT GROWTH Information on computers and the internet is widely available in the mainstream print media. There are many magazines available at newsagents and book stores. In Australia the Melbourne Age regularly features news on IT. The Age began reporting on computers as a regular feature of the Business section in October 1970,in July 1987 Computer Age as it was known became an expanded Tuesday lift out. From the first week in September 1997 Computer Age became 2 diffetent I.T. liftouts. Visit The Age IT NEWS |