Has anyone actually spoken to an employee of YAHOO AUSTRALIA,to sort out difficulties with their systems coping with email lists? Maybe the entire YAHOO conglomerate is now run by machines with not a real live human being anywhere. If there happens to be a YAHOO human visiting this page please come forward and introduce yourself,I promise not to bite. I took off for yahooland to find someone to talk to,not a general email address any where,a couple of special ones for media enquiries,YAHOO CHAT required complicated downloading so cancelled --- seems every time you go in you have to download their plug ins as I had been in before. Eventually,I found their company info area
In their address area I found this information Street Address Yahoo! Inc. 701 First Avenue Sunnyvale, California 94089 Phone (408) 349-3300 Fax (408) 349-3301 I could fax them,do not feel like phoning California seems like YAHOO does not maintain an office in Australia.
Pity these guys,(sorry could not find any gals), did not have any direct email or method to interact. When I went on a similar foray into Lycos corporate area, I at least found that each of their executives had made use of their companies home page builder to put up a simple home page to talk about themselves together with a guestbook,just like I have done here at BUILDING WEB SITES. While, I was there, I went further and found that Yahoo! User Research Participants may receive up to $35 an hour, depending on the type of research! they conduct research in many ways, such as: Visiting you at your location in a field study Inviting you to come into a Yahoo! office to participate in a usability study Speaking with you in a telephone interview Participating in an online focus group study Connecting with you with an online survey
I took a break and visited some of my YAHOO GROUPS then finished off by signing up for a free YAHOO student kit which they promised to send after 14 days,this will assist me with promoting the use of the internet and Yahoo as a tool for social change within the education system. I also signed up for their corporate kit at another location Just cannot find where I found the forms for these , yahoo is a big place. I hope you have enjoyed the visit to the big Y.
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