On America: A Tribute to Heroes Neil Young performed "Imagine" on the piano,he paused to reflect during the second verse and looked up at the camera. An emotional moment. Imagine Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people Living for today... Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one (John Lennon - 1971) As America and the world struggles to understand what happened that morning there have been many words written by ordinary people and a an increase in national pride. Here are 2 that I received in my email.  Who Would Have Thought? "And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air" Who would have thought that we would have been there? Though it wasn't a bomb or a rocket we saw, The smoke and the flames left us clearly in awe. September 11th we will never forget. It's just hard to fathom - to believe even yet. America the Beautiful was attacked on that day. But rest easy, dear friends - they will not get away. We've long stood for freedom and justice for all. Do they honestly think we will buckle and fall? They've attacked a giant who is now wide awake. Thinking they could win was their first big mistake. How we grieve for the innocents who were taken away, How angry we are that it happened this way! The needless destruction is all for nought! Our freedom, you see, just cannot be bought. We will come back from this, stronger than ever! We have suffered a blow, but nothing can sever The fibre that makes our country so grand! For united we fight and united we stand! The Red White and Blue will continue to fly, We will look up to heaven and hold our heads high! We renew our allegiance - One Nation under God. No one will steal even one clump of sod. The forefathers fought for what they believed. Their dream of freedom was finally conceived. Let us never forget what they longed to see. God ruling this country, the land of the free. Oh please don't forget God is still in control! Though the terror has certainly taken its toll. He grieves along with us at all that's been done. But He longs to reach out, to help overcome. So pray my dear friends - like never before! Pray for our leaders who contemplate war. Pray for the ones who have lost much already. Pray that our focus will remain strong and steady. Pray that Americans will again look above To our God who loves us with infinite love. Pray for a fervent, renewed determination That nothing, no nothing, can shake our foundation!!
 Americanism If you want your father to take care of you, that's Paternalism, If you want your mother to take care of you, that's Maternalism, If you want comrades to take care of you and everything you do is for the state, that's Communism; If you think "if it feels good do it," regardless of the consequences or who it might hurt, and are in this thing just for yourself, that's Individualism, If all you care about are your possessions, what you can accumulate in this life and things are more important than people, that's Materialism, If you want the state to take care of you, depend on the government for everything, don't know the difference between entitlement and benefits, and you think they are totally responsible for your well being, then that's , Socialism; But, if you take care of yourself, be held responsible for your behaviour, hold yourself accountable for your actions, feel a responsibility to be a good and productive citizen, promote the betterment of mankind and bring honour to the country then that, my friend, is Nationalism. |