On December 8,2001 it was the 21st anniversary of the death by shooting of John Lennon in New York. We Remember You John The Lennon/McCartney songwriting team wrote many songs devoted to Peace and Building a Better World. Favourites included "Imagine" and "Give Peace A Chance". The latter as been adopted globally as the chant of the peace movement.  For the 15 year period starting from 1962 when the Beatles first hit entered the British charts there have have been a number of conflicts around the world including: The Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 The Assassination of President Kennedy 1963 The Us Takeover of the Vietnam War 1964 - 1966 The Six Day War - Middle East 1967 Soviets Invaded Czechoslovakia 1968 GENOCIDE in BIAFRA,the INDO-PAK war, the slaughter in Bangladesh, millions killed by the Red Guards in China, the destruction of the Allende Government in Chile, My Lai, The Middleast War 1973 The Fall of Saigon,the betrayal of East Timor and Year Zero in Cambodia. The last 15 years opened with the world's first successful non-violent revolution against a dictator in the Phillipines, Then there was "glasnost" and "perestroika: in the old Soviet Union. Democracy movements spread from Asia to Europe in 1989 and Moscow in 1991. Apartheid collapsed in South Africa. The Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988. The Gulf War. BOSNIA,KOSOVO and now AFGHANISTAN.
  In 1986,at least 2 thirds of the world's people lived under tyrannies. Today at least 2 thirds live in some kind of democracy. |